Friday, October 5, 2012

Water Colossus

-Water Colossus by Farkwhad/Alexander Kintner

     This fantastic masterpiece is of an unimaginably huge water serpent. This enormous spirit has just entered this realm through a mystical portal. It tears away at the island with a high pressured jet of glowing water. The monster is chained up in decorative metal shackles. Its body aggressively flows with columned sea. The clouds and sky swirl with fear. The island floods in submission. A lone wizard stands atop a cliff's edge, challenging the insane behemoth.
     At first sight you don't notice the sheer scale of this image. It is somewhat breath-taking when you follow down the wizards path to the water colossus and actually get a good comparison of its size. It makes me feel small, insignificant and hopeless. Despite the feelings, I don't see this picture dark at all. The main colors, blue, green and brown, suggest more of a natural, calming and verdant side. I see the man perched at the end of the path as a moral to stand up, try and dismiss the impossible. That we are never given a burden we cannot handle. Looking at the whole, the art piece is deceptively tranquil, a mix between frightened and peaceful. It's overwhelming.

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