Tuesday, October 23, 2012


        For this weeks post, I would like to share a little about a popular fantasy convention known as "Comic-con".  For those who do not know, Comic-con is an ongoing yearly event that, in my opinion, represents the pinnacle of fantasy social culture.  Fans flock to this event, selling out on tickets within the month of opening sales, to see popular fantasy flick stars or to hear the latest news in comics, video games and more.
        I have only attended one of these events, but in the short time I stayed I was immersed in the colorful excitement of the diverse demographic.  Fans often will dress up as their favorite character from a fantasy film or popular video game etc.  Within the sea of extravagantly dressed people are paid cos-players, usually incredible beautiful women.  Major contributors and promotors of the event and entertainment will scout women and pay them to show up to events in amazing costumes to arouse excitement in the audience.  The biggest name for the time being Jessica Nigri.  Nigris' latest costume was a real life version of the popular video game character from "Lollipop chainsaw".
        I do not consider myself a fantasy fanatic nor do I even express interest in most fantasy representations, but this event sparked something in me that i can only explain as childlike excitement.  This convention is something I believe everyone should experience at least once.
-Jason London

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