Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Analyzed Duel

                                                                                                                             -Duel by Maciej Kuciara

   This suspenseful encounter between a young girl and a mechanical beast is not only frightening but also hopeless. My first thought being that the small little handgun is definitely no match for the metal behemoth. I get the feeling that both parties are fully aware of the fate of the duel. The girl is hopeless and reluctantly allows the monster's stone hand to reach towards her. The image also seems to evoke that they've met before and here they meet again.
   With a supposed story out of the way we can now move on to the individual elements. At first glance at the image, my eyes are forced upon the girl. She is by far the most lit and prominent. The path of the eye resumes by continuing down the short length of her arm to the gun and then the would-be destination of the bullet. And here we find our antagonist, only to say antagonist because it's easier in our minds to relate to something common and not of fantasy, and its radiant blue eyes trailing in from the left, its trail perhaps of an intense flame or a swift movement. Lastly, before analyzing the image as a whole, our eyes head to the far right, to the claw. Its presence crafts an impression of the overwhelming power of the creature, the constricting force in an unknown jungle. The hand's reflective appearance and sectioned off joints is what first suggested to me that this entity is in fact some form of conscious android.
  Our perspective of this duel is first-person. The blurry bottom left corner provides the impression that we are crouched, hidden, and watching the scene unfold before us. The setting appears to be a jungle or possibly a nature won city. The handgun and girl's clothing infers that its time period is not far from ours, if not ours. The setting's light sources seem to be a rising sun cutting through a lush canopy, the misunderstood creature ignited blue eyes and a third, unknown, illuminating the girls back.
   My choice for this art work was not random, I actually spent quite a long time with a sieve sifting through a myriad of other computer graphic and photo shopped images of fantasy before setting my sights on this one. I love this picture, I wish it was wallpaper sized, I love the colors, its simplicity, sense of mystery, how balanced it feels, the aura of anticipation it carries and its bone-chillingness. The epitome of beautiful fantasy.

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